The Garden At A Cheshire Home Gets The Lakeland Look

Just recently, Lakeland Verandahs had the pleasure of installing some of our UPVC decking at the new family Cheshire home of Sam and Paul, which they moved into only a few months ago, back in May.

Anthracite Grey UPVC Decking with furniture

Shared with a dog and two cats, and occasionally, their 19-year-old daughter, it is located in Cheshire and a new-build property.

An Anthracite Grey deck with a seated area

It was an advert on Instagram that first brought Lakeland Verandahs to their attention, and after reaching out to us, an appointment was set up with our Sales Representative, Mark.

He discussed various options with them and they were impressed with what they heard:

“The price was right, the finance options worked, the quality of the product was very clear, and the colour options fitted with our vision for a sectional garden with different materials and areas to enjoy.”

Once Mark had also told them that our decking was maintenance-free and advised the couple of the buy now, pay later option, they agreed to an order of some Anthracite Grey decking.

An installation date was scheduled, but when an earlier date became available, Sam and Paul happily snapped up the slot so that they could get their decking earlier than originally planned.

The garden at a Cheshire home

UPVC decking in progress

A part-built UPVC deck

They say that the installation was conducted smoothly:

“It was very hassle-free! The installer was very professional but friendly and approachable. The slope of the garden was more than anticipated ,but he quickly came up with options to address this with a step and it looks great!”

An Anthracite Grey UPVC deck

It’s helped them to really start enjoying the garden and made it a nicer place to be and look at, especially with the outdoor seating and fire table on the decking.

Anthracite Grey decking with a seated area

For anyone looking to set on a similar journey, they have this sound advice:

“Do your research, and always balance the initial cost against the long-term upkeep and maintenance costs. UPVC is a great way to do that, and the service from Lakeland was beyond reproach all through the process.”

Since the completion of their decking, they have been recommending our company to various people in their neighbourhood and lauding our work on social media.

It’s fantastic to know that they’re so happy, and we reckon you will be just as happy if you appoint Lakeland Verandahs for a decking project at your home. Get an appointment booked for a discussion here.